If you are worried about your memory or that of somebody you care for click on Yes below:
Do they have a known diagnosis?
Yes No
Would they like an assessment or support?
Yes No
Do you need support?
Yes No
If you work in Primary Care and are worried about a patient, please assess the patient and refer to the Dementia Wellbeing Service.
Please call our Access Point on 0117 904 5151. If you are not the GP, please ensure that the patient's GP is aware of this referral.
If you work in Liaison or Social Care and are worried about a service user, please refer to the Dementia Wellbeing Service.
Please call our Access Point on 0117 904 5151. Please ensure that the patient's GP is aware of this referral.
For Police or other professionals, contact our Access Point for advice on 0117 904 5151, or contact the service user's GP who can assess the service user for referral to the Dementia Wellbeing Service.
You need to speak to your GP, who may refer you to the Dementia Wellbeing Service.
You have identified that you, or the person you care about does not need assessment or support.