Would you like to share your story?

My name is Jenna and I am the Media Officer for Alzheimer’s Society in the South West. My job is to raise awareness of dementia and get people talking about it. I am responsible for working with journalists to raise awareness of the services we offer as well as highlighting some of the issues people with dementia face.
Journalists often phone me asking to speak to people with real life experiences of living with or supporting someone with dementia. It is our Media Champions who provide this essential human angle by sharing their stories.
Our Media Champions provide an essential and valuable dimension to our awareness-raising efforts, hugely increasing our chances of securing media coverage and reaching people with our messages.
Hilary Cunliffe, an Alzheimer’s Society volunteer, shares her thoughts on her experience of working with the media:
“Over the last few years, both while my husband was alive and after he died, I was able to do a variety of work with different forms of media. I was very keen to use our experiences to highlight the impact of dementia, for my husband, for me and our family and friends and raise the profile of this debilitating condition. I felt this was a positive contribution that I could make to help and inform other people who may be struggling with the condition.”
If you feel that this is something you would like to be involved in, please come along to Alzheimer’s Society’s office: Suite A, Verona House, Filwood Road, Bristol, BS16 3RY on Tuesday 13 December at 1.30pm where we will be hosting an informal chat over tea and cake!
If transport to the venue is an issue, let us know as we might be able to support this. If you are caring for someone with dementia, you are both welcome to join us. Let us know if we can do anything to help make it possible for you to attend.
For further information, or to register your interest in attending, please contact me. You can reach me by phone: 01249 444408 or 07483 138048 or by email: jenna.hopkinson@alzheimers.org.uk