Who may use the Service?
Older people who live within the Bristol boundaries either in rented or owner occupied accommodation, are over the age of 55 years and in need of housing related support. The scheme offers 80 places which will be allocated and prioritised according to the needs of the individual. The Service also offers an additional 40 places for older people who misuse alcohol or live chaotically.
If you meet the criteria what support can they offer?
- Welfare checks to ensure well being
- Assistance to maintain the safety of the home and report maintenance issues, minor repairs etc.
- Income maximisation checks, completing benefit forms, budgeting
- Moving and resettlement activity including support to source furniture, funding, liaising with utility companies, signing on with GPs. etc.
- Support to access social networks and other services
- Accompany to appointments
- Informal advocacy and liaison with other agencies, Social Services etc
- Help with life skills, for example, food preparation, advice and prompting on cleaning and hygiene, assistance and advice on budgeting and managing finances and dealing with correspondence.
The service is temporary for a period of 3 months to a maximum of 2 years.
Service opening times:
Monday to Friday, 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm
How can you access the Service?
Referrals can be made by yourself, a relative or a professional. Either complete the referral form below or for further information call us on 0117 9281 546. On completion and return of the form you will be contacted by the Service Co-ordinator to arrange an assessment visit.
On this online catalogue you will find a selection of products to help with everyday life for people living with dementia and their carers, including easy to use telephones, calendar clocks and radio controlled watches, reminders, home safety devices and a selection of entertaining games and activities.
If you would like to order by phone or are experiencing problems with our online store please call us on 0300 124 0900 (Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am-6pm. An answer phone is available outside these hours).
Or if you would like a copy of the Daily Living Aids Catalogue sent to you by post call our team on 0844 245 1175
A 24 hour Telecare and Assistive Technology Service run by Bristol City Council, offering a telephone response to personal alarm calls. The call centre will get appropriate help or call your nominated contacts in an emergency.
Contact: 0117 922 3269
Bristol City Council Website
Are you looking after someone?
Jointly is an app that makes caring for someone a little easier, less stressful and a lot more organised by making communication and coordination between those who share the care as easy as a text message.
Online catalogue of items that can help to make life easier, from simple memo-minders to movement detectors and pager-alarms
Contact: 0300 323 0700
Showroom address: 5 Hide Market, West Street, Bristol, BS2 0BH.
Support My Life Website
Equipment that can help people maintain their independence. For information about technology to support people at home contact Care Direct.
Contact: 0117 922 2700
Techsilver specialise in technology to help with later life, especially assistive technology. To visit their website click here. 
They also have a helpful article on 'how to stay safe online'.
Unforgettable aims to improve the lives of those living with memory loss and dementia by bringing together specialised products, practical advice and a supportive community.
Work carried out by multi-skilled tradespeople who are all Disclosure Records Bureau checked. They carry an ID card and their logo is clearly displayed on their van and uniform.
Contact: 0300 323 0700
The Silverlinks project is a free service where older people offer mutual support when decisions need to be made about housing repairs, adaptations or moving home.
Contact: 0117 954 2222
West of England Care and Repair Website